People Do Business With People: Why You Are Your Best Business Asset

When we’re talking with clients, we talk a lot about the “people” aspect of their business. In a world where there are countless options for nearly any product or service, we continually tell our clients that it’s critical to humanize their brand. 


Think about the last time you asked for a referral from a friend or trusted peer. Let’s say you were asking who they use for accounting. You were likely given the name of an agency and/or individual point of contact — and you probably held that recommendation in much higher regard than you would if a stranger handed you that same individual’s card. 

Personal relationships (and their downstream effect) can make a huge difference in the decision-making process. Today, we’re talking about some ways that you can add real personality to your own brand.

1. Engage in your community.

While we strongly believe in the importance of founders’ involvement in an organization’s PR efforts, they’re not the only people who can effectively represent a brand. Your employees can serve as excellent ambassadors for your organization as well. Whether it’s joining a non-profit board or getting involved with your local chamber of commerce, there are countless ways to help promote your company and validate your brand in the minds of potential customers.

You may also find opportunities for your team to serve as thought leaders through various interviews, panel appearances, or podcast guest spots. The more ways you can shine a spotlight on your brand while simultaneously displaying the expertise of your team, the more you’ll be validated in the mind of those evaluating your business.

2. Invest in your about page.

We are firm believers in the importance of a strong About Us page on a website, and high-quality assets are a great way to highlight your people looking both professional and approachable. While it may be tempting to allow team members to submit their own photos, hiring a photographer to take quality headshots will bring more cohesion to your brand image. (And not only will these photos upgrade the look of your own website, they’ll also come in handy when your team members earn spots on panels or coverage in the media.)

Beyond securing high-quality imagery, it’s important to answer the “why” of what you do in an easy-to-find location, and your company’s about page is the perfect place for it. Media members want to understand why you started your business, what problems you solve, and how you personally interact with your clients to solve their problems, not just what you’re selling. 

3. Button up your LinkedIn presence. 

Your public social media profiles are an extension of your business, especially on LinkedIn. Although you may not be using the platform to search for jobs, prospective customers are likely to check out your LinkedIn profile at some point in the sales process. Make sure your information is up to date, including any civic engagement or community involvement. This is a great place to showcase your expertise and professional accomplishments — don’t sleep on it!

4. Be authentically you.

There are numerous additional ways you can work to upgrade your digital presence and bring some personal flair to your business’s brand. But at the end of the day, your brand should reflect who you are as a company and as a team. If you project an image that’s different from who you really are, you’re setting yourself up for discontentment in your partnerships with future customers. And if you find yourself in a spot where your existing persona feels out of alignment with the services you’re offering, it may be a sign that it’s time for a brand refresh. 

If you have questions on how you can build your brand to stand out against the rest, give us a shout. We’d be happy to chat.