Your Business Presence in a Due Diligence World: Heed Our Advice, Episode 4

Many of our clients operate in a due diligence world. If your business fits this category, here’s what you can do to help boost your profile.

Is it just us or have the past couple of months flown by? One minute it was March and the sky was falling, and *blink* it’s almost June now and the sky is…still up there, though we continue to eye it ominously. 

We’re happy to be back with you, and we want to address a question we get quite often.

We’ve lost count how many times we’ve been asked whether Heed PR niches in a particular industry. It’s a fair question and many of our peer PR agencies actually do niche. But we decided early on that we didn’t want to put all of our focus on one vertical. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It simply wasn’t the path for us. 

Just because we don’t niche, doesn’t mean that there aren’t similarities among our clients. And one common theme is that many of our partners operate what we call “due diligence businesses.”

What’s a due diligence business?

A “due diligence business” is one that when their potential customers and partners are deciding whether to business with them, those potential customers and partners perform due diligence on that organization to make sure they’re making the right decision. 

We’re not talking about the apparel companies that I buy hats from all the time. I simply “click, click, buy” those bad boys. 

Rather, these are groups that quite often offer specialized services or products, or they offer products or services that have an elevated price point. Whichever the case, people want to scope them out. You know, do a little (or a lot of) digging. 

What can due diligence businesses do to help themselves?

If someone is looking your business up, what are they finding? Let’s hope that they find your website first and then your social media channels.

But after that, what are they encountering when they start scrolling down their search results and clicking around? If you’re a due diligence business, it would help if they found things like news stories, examples of your thought leadership, favorable online reviews, unique and helpful content that you’ve developed, and more. 

Not only can these items help when someone is doing a deep dive into your business, but they can also help your organization in other ways, such as giving your sales team resources to close deals or explaining your competencies to members of the media.

Think about the last time you made a big partnership decision with your own business. How much digging did you do on prospective partners? Where did you look? And what did you find that helped you take the plunge? If someone couldn’t find that stuff out about you and your business, then it’s time to start building your due diligence items.

Would you like our help building out your due diligence catalog? If so, we’d love to hear from you.